Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Pembudayaan Matematika di Sekolah Untuk Mencapai Keunggulan Bangsa

By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

Familiarization mathematical aspects actually have an understanding of the nature of mathematics, the nature of school mathematics, mathematics education essence, the essence of the value of mathematics, nature study mathematics, the nature of mathematics teaching and learning process, the essence of school mathematics pembuyayaan. Bringing the model, functions, and mathematical formulas into concrete form. The bottom line is always thought of mathematics, mathematical thinking includes three aspects: first, the attitude of mathematics, second, methods of mathematical thinking and third, the content of mathematics. So think of mathematics as well stretch the thinking mathematics in its dimensions, meaning there is thinking in mathematics at school level / material, or college / formal.Acculturation of mathematics can be achieved on the basis of understanding
about mathematical knowledge that is objective and perpetrators of mathematics that are
subjective in its efforts to obtain a justification of the truths of mathematics through the creation, formulation, representation, publication and interaction. Explicitly civilizing
mathematics based on: (1) knowledge of mathematics in various dimensions, which include the nature, justification and occurrence, (2) mathematical objects at various dimensions which include the nature and origin, (3) the use of formal mathematics include its effectiveness in science, technology and other sciences, and (4) practices mathematics in various dimensions. Dimensional mathematical meaning can be seen from the side
dimensional mathematical objects to concrete objects and mathematical dimensions to obyekobyek mind. Mathematical communication includes communication materials, formal communication, the communication of normative and spiritual communication. In relation to the learning of mathematics then we are more suitable to define mathematics as the mathematics school, but for college-level mathematics as we define a formal mathematical or axiomatic. Acculturation of mathematics can contribute to the nation through innovation excellence pembelajran math is done continuously. In relation to gain superiority nation then we can think about mathematics, teaching mathematics and mathematics education at various levels of hierarchy levels or intrinsic, extrinsic or systemic.

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