By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001
State University of Yogyakarta leading international universities can be given meaning through 2 (two) approach think that is a formal approach and substantive approach. Formal approach UNY position in the life of promiscuity among the many universities in Indonesia, interactions among universities in the world, and particularly the role as a former LPTKs UNY. State University of Yogyakarta (UNY), in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 93 of 1999 on changes in teacher training and the Science Education Institute (Training College) became the State University of Yogyakarta Yogyakarta (UNY), has the task (1) academic education programs and / or professional education in a number of disciplines of science, technology, and / or certain arts, (2) develop a science education, science teacher, as well as educate the academic and professional personnel in the field of education. Policy Act of Teachers and Lecturers that have an impact on improving the welfare of teachers, making the public interest to increase the teaching profession and become the top choice. One of the professional teacher qualification requirements under the law, teachers must have a diploma S1 or D4 corresponding to the field of study is taught. Strategic Plan 2008-2012 document UNY launched programs activities include: Increased opportunities for people less able to attend the program, with the provision of scholarships of government and community development courses, curriculum materials, and implementation of learning according to the demands of community development research and community service with a publication for community empowerment; Development of research and community service with a publication for community empowerment; increase in student activities services; Development educator qualifications through further study, training and skills enhancement; Improving the quality of research and PPM program involves students; increase the creativity, entrepreneurship, and student leadership; improve the effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation of academic activities and nonakademik; Improved guidance and welfare of employees; Development and utilization of facilities business unit to increase income generating sources; Development of short-term investments; Development of faculty expertise and the addition of a data infrastructure for education according to standards ; Optimizing the role and functions of the Office of Quality Assurance; deployment services are accountable and transparent administration of the ISO standard; Enhanced capacity and competence of human resources and executive leadership in planning, management activities, and reporting; Strengthening governance through effective management system of higher education and monitoring the implementation of strategic plans business; Increasing the role, facilities, and capacity / competency of IT human resources for the implementation of activities and media campaigns; increase the role of institutions in an effort to revitalize the nation's moral character through education; Increased cooperation based on ISO and advantages of human resources; Increased cooperation with the utilization of the laboratory. For students, the pilot headed WCU will help them understand and implement a global perspective which in turn contribute to
ability to navigate the international association. For lecturers, the pilot headed WCU will
provide opportunities and wider opportunities to conduct world class research
international, publish research results in international journals, and build international scientific community. Five-year program and an annual program developed and diimplementasika WCU in canoes to reach the goal tujuang medium and short term. WCU Programprogram developed as follows: development of international-standard study program, international-standard curriculum, teaching-learning process of international standard, international standard assessment of learning outcomes, teaching materials and sources of international standard, international-quality faculty development, staff development and other education personnel to support WCU, facilities and WCU supporting infrastructure, ICT-based management, a library of international standard, competent international student affairs, research and publications of international standard, community service, cooperation and international exchanges.
ability to navigate the international association. For lecturers, the pilot headed WCU will
provide opportunities and wider opportunities to conduct world class research
international, publish research results in international journals, and build international scientific community. Five-year program and an annual program developed and diimplementasika WCU in canoes to reach the goal tujuang medium and short term. WCU Programprogram developed as follows: development of international-standard study program, international-standard curriculum, teaching-learning process of international standard, international standard assessment of learning outcomes, teaching materials and sources of international standard, international-quality faculty development, staff development and other education personnel to support WCU, facilities and WCU supporting infrastructure, ICT-based management, a library of international standard, competent international student affairs, research and publications of international standard, community service, cooperation and international exchanges.
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