By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001
Stages use the calculator as a learning tool in mathematics atSMK Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta IV, can be done as follows: The first stage is the stage of understanding about the importance ofgraphing calculators. The essence of understanding the processof explaining the basic and detailed on the graphing calculator.The second stage is the stage of understanding the theory anduse of graphing calculators in solving the matter equations andinequalities. The second process is focused on how students understand the command, symbolic manipulation, and graphs tosolve equations and inequalities problems with graphing calculators. The third stage, namely stage kalkakulator enter datainto a graph problem. The process of entering data into thecalculator about the process
moving the language into the language of mathematics in the matter of the graphing calculator. The fourth stage is the stageinterpretation of the graphing calculator screen and drawconclusions.
Of the five above process, can mean that students will experiencethe process respectively. This means that the process is aninductive process.
From research conducted, noting there are some aspects of theuse of graphing calculators in learning mathematics as follows: a)graphic calculator is useful to determine and match the graphic images; b) graphics calculator is useful to determine and match the answers to the set penyelesaiaan; c) The calculator graphs toprovide experience vivid graphic images; d) settlement matterequations and inequalities can use the command, symbolicmanipulation and graphics; e) graphics calculator is useful toprovide answers that were previously calculated without a calculator and accelerate the completion of about metematika;and f) the constraints experienced by students in paraphraseusing the graphing calculator is a mathematical sentence into the language of the calculator and disclose any screen calculator into the math sentence.
moving the language into the language of mathematics in the matter of the graphing calculator. The fourth stage is the stageinterpretation of the graphing calculator screen and drawconclusions.
Of the five above process, can mean that students will experiencethe process respectively. This means that the process is aninductive process.
From research conducted, noting there are some aspects of theuse of graphing calculators in learning mathematics as follows: a)graphic calculator is useful to determine and match the graphic images; b) graphics calculator is useful to determine and match the answers to the set penyelesaiaan; c) The calculator graphs toprovide experience vivid graphic images; d) settlement matterequations and inequalities can use the command, symbolicmanipulation and graphics; e) graphics calculator is useful toprovide answers that were previously calculated without a calculator and accelerate the completion of about metematika;and f) the constraints experienced by students in paraphraseusing the graphing calculator is a mathematical sentence into the language of the calculator and disclose any screen calculator into the math sentence.
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