By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001
To support the learning that teachers do on a particular chapterand sub chapters can use the auxiliary media that can supportstudent understanding. Call it Microsoft Word 2007, in whichthere are many bantuanbaik in writing or drawing simple. Here we take the geometry chapter will use the media Ms Word 2007.There is the Clip Art and Shapes for drawing geometric shapes,like triangles, circles, and rectangles. By using Ms Word 2007, it is expected students will better understand the geometry of thischapter, because depictions that teachers do in detail,measurable, neat, and clearly visible. In the chapter of geometrywe know there are vast areas, surface area, large blankets, matsand roof area, as well as volume. By using Ms Word is expected to: increase motovasi and pleasure in studying geometry,geometry studied both independently and through cooperation,can conduct an investigation or inquiry the concepts of geometry,students can perform activities of problem solving ormathematical problem solving, and students can communicatehasilhasilnya both to teachers and to other friends.
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