By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001
In the development of mathematical skills of students who have a lot of obstacles, teachers can use creative ideas to overcome them. The use of various media deemed permissible, for the sake of students' understanding of the material. In addition tostudents' understanding of the material, it is felt that moreimportant is to develop mathematical power. The question is how the creativity of teachers to use every opportunity. Maybestudents will learn termotovasi, when dibersamai teachers in theirlearning activities, but what if time does not dibersamai teacher or when not in class. The answer lies in the use of the Interneteffectively and creatively. Blog is short for weblog, which is the web where the web site and its contents are owned by theindividual can always be updated continuously, at any timeanywhere. Weblogs can be accompanied by the comments the owner of the site itself and visitors. In the blog can be publishedarticles arranged in chronological order, which was writtenprevious articles, comments from the end of the blog, register /other links, and services in the Really Simple Sindication. Once the best knowledge on the internet there are blogs, and how toproperly and effectively utilized. That is, with a digital portfolio.Portfolio is given the task of teachers to students yag, so thatdigital portifolio a task assigned by the teacher via the Internet,with learning resources are also of articles / materials which existin the blog, hereinafter by posting student work in your blog / linkspecified / agreed. In another sense, the digital portfolio is adocumentation system that includes all sorts of activities andreflections that can indicate a change or development of the situation or the potential of individuals. The most importantcomponent in the digital portfolio of education is a reflection ofindividual learning indicated in part or whole portfolio of documents.
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