Kamis, 12 Januari 2012


By: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

Education is Very Important for us, Because with education will of the people be creative, quality, smart, and innovative. Without education there is no culture, without culture there is no civil, without civil there is no life, there is no life withoot country. Cleary, We need education very much. But We know that in education teher That is the system it can be supported or it can be obstacles, so We must be carefull with the system. Exactly in Indonesia, the education system must more corrected. The quality of countries usually looking from Their education, or have been good enough yet. Their quality more education, more quality Their country also, the point of quality of countries is in education.Indonesia Should apply international standards of education if Indonesia want to correct Their quality and if Indonesia want to Compete with other counties. With the result, the Government is incessanting increase of Indonesian to develop an international competitive power by the standard level of schooling. But how We Can make it?, Here we know that in education there are steps to the make quality, so we can start it through the basics, from this side when I became principal. Things I would do to promotes the international level of schooling is to go from myself, then the teachers, the official, the students, and all people in school environments. As we know, that of course everything starts from the bottom, then slowly through stage by stage doomed to success. Similarly, only to promotes my school to be intanitonal level. Because here nuanced international, it is not unusual when if I as a direct principal declared the use of English language learning, of course, will I encounter in the future is a tremendous failure. Even worse, the school will be closed. But before the international standards applied in the school curriculum, it is true the use of English in everyday learning is a necessary condition, but the use of English is not necessarily enforced. Bilingual learning program which I feel is appropriate to begin the international level of schooling. In the development of this practice there are several key points, among them: an innovative vision and the changes reflect, in accordance with international and national criteria, in accordance with the essence of education, in line with the socio-Constructivists, cognitive development, and world class research on learning. In accordance with the changing times that has begun to international standards, then the educational experience should also follow international standards as well. So inevitably the students and teachers must use English language as well. But as we know, that can not base the use of English in the field of education, so that through the stages of bilingual international standardization is expected to be achieved. The new learning approach began to be encouraged, which include: learning is the search for patterns and relationships, problem solving activity, investigation, and communication. There is also an alternative instrument of teaching practice, namely: Apperception, works group discussions, developing teaching media and aids, developing teaching methods, developing interaction, student's presentation, developing student's worksheet, developing lesson plans, conclusion by the students, and the scheme of competencies achievements. But the reality on the ground there is often a looming obstacle, such as: perceptions of teachers and schools, the kind of cooperation with schools, types of programs and activities of PPL, the terms and supporting factors, due to teacher professional development, and the position and contribution to the international level. However I can optimistically pass these obstacles.

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Usaha Guru dalam Meningkatkan Minat Siswa Mempelajari Matematika

By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

In teaching mathematics to students is not easy, because the Kuga students have difficulty in learning mathematics. Plus, there is no best way to teach mathematics. But if there is a method that can be used to support teacher learning, the method of exposition, discussion, problem solving, investigation, basic training principles and skills, as well as implementation.Obstacles that may impede the continuity of teaching and learning activities include: understanding of the meaning of theory, application of methods that do not match, the system is less support, conditions are less conducive learning environment, and limited learning facilities. On the other hand, teachers also experienced difficulties in terms of internal teachers, such as: difficulty in dealing with differences in their students' math skills, difficulty in encouraging students to actively learn, and difficulties in developing mathematics learning technology. Additionally paradigm that occurs in reality is the students who liked mathematics less, as it seemed difficult. So the teacher must be creative to make math feel like delicious as chocolate. Maybe teachers can insert a little humor or laughter on the sidelines of a lesson, not to impress tense, provided a distraction is not protracted. Or any teacher can give a prize quiz, in which the teacher gives a lesson about the question, then offered a reward to students who can answer that question. In addition, if teachers can apply to every student friendly without exception then it is not possible students will be pleased to teachers. It is very important, even the success of students in understanding the lesson is that the role of teacher attitudes. If students have liked the teacher then is surely also a sense of love will flow to the lessons taught teachers, mathematics is no exception. Pleasure to the teacher, able to get rid of the difficulties that arise in the study. Pleasure will also make the students are not ashamed to ask the teacher about the perceived problems of students, so students' understanding deepened. In addition, motivated students to learn definitely will gradually emerge, and will be good for self kharakter students.


By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

State University of Yogyakarta leading international universities can be given meaning through 2 (two) approach think that is a formal approach and substantive approach. Formal approach UNY position in the life of promiscuity among the many universities in Indonesia, interactions among universities in the world, and particularly the role as a former LPTKs UNY. State University of Yogyakarta (UNY), in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 93 of 1999 on changes in teacher training and the Science Education Institute (Training College) became the State University of Yogyakarta Yogyakarta (UNY), has the task (1) academic education programs and / or professional education in a number of disciplines of science, technology, and / or certain arts, (2) develop a science education, science teacher, as well as educate the academic and professional personnel in the field of education. Policy Act of Teachers and Lecturers that have an impact on improving the welfare of teachers, making the public interest to increase the teaching profession and become the top choice. One of the professional teacher qualification requirements under the law, teachers must have a diploma S1 or D4 corresponding to the field of study is taught. Strategic Plan 2008-2012 document UNY launched programs activities include: Increased opportunities for people less able to attend the program, with the provision of scholarships of government and community development courses, curriculum materials, and implementation of learning according to the demands of community development research and community service with a publication for community empowerment; Development of research and community service with a publication for community empowerment; increase in student activities services; Development educator qualifications through further study, training and skills enhancement; Improving the quality of research and PPM program involves students; increase the creativity, entrepreneurship, and student leadership; improve the effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation of academic activities and nonakademik; Improved guidance and welfare of employees; Development and utilization of facilities business unit to increase income generating sources; Development of short-term investments; Development of faculty expertise and the addition of a data infrastructure for education according to standards ; Optimizing the role and functions of the Office of Quality Assurance; deployment services are accountable and transparent administration of the ISO standard; Enhanced capacity and competence of human resources and executive leadership in planning, management activities, and reporting; Strengthening governance through effective management system of higher education and monitoring the implementation of strategic plans business; Increasing the role, facilities, and capacity / competency of IT human resources for the implementation of activities and media campaigns; increase the role of institutions in an effort to revitalize the nation's moral character through education; Increased cooperation based on ISO and advantages of human resources; Increased cooperation with the utilization of the laboratory. For students, the pilot headed WCU will help them understand and implement a global perspective which in turn contribute to
ability to navigate the international association. For lecturers, the pilot headed WCU will
provide opportunities and wider opportunities to conduct world class research
international, publish research results in international journals, and build international scientific community. Five-year program and an annual program developed and diimplementasika WCU in canoes to reach the goal tujuang medium and short term. WCU Programprogram developed as follows: development of international-standard study program, international-standard curriculum, teaching-learning process of international standard, international standard assessment of learning outcomes, teaching materials and sources of international standard, international-quality faculty development, staff development and other education personnel to support WCU, facilities and WCU supporting infrastructure, ICT-based management, a library of international standard, competent international student affairs, research and publications of international standard, community service, cooperation and international exchanges.

Supporting Evidences And Monitoring To Develop School-Based Curriculum For Junior High School Mathematics In Indonesia

By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

Pengembangan kurikulum membutuhkan komprehensif dan mendalam studi tentang semua aspek yang terlibat, setidaknya ada enam prinsip sebagai panduan kesempatan untuk belajar matematika untuk semua, 2) kurikulum bukanlah sekedar kumpulan materi tetapi harus mencerminkan kegiatan matematika koheren, 3) mengajar belajar matematika membutuhkan teori yang menyeluruh tentang kegiatan siswa, mereka kesiapan untuk belajar dan peran guru memfasilitasi mereka belajar, 4) kesempatan kepada pembelajar untuk mengembangkan konsep matematika mereka, 5) kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan penilaian tertanam untuk proses belajar mengajar, dan 6) menggunakan berbagai jenis sumber belajar mengajar. Untuk memastikan bahwa kurikulum mencerminkan proses belajar mengajar perlu dikembangkan: 1) Pedoman untuk mengembangkan silabus nya, 2) Pedoman kurikulum pelaksanaan, 3) dokumen pendukung seperti handout, lembar kerja siswa, 4) guru keterlibatan dalam kurikulum berkembang, 5) sosialisasi dan diseminasi mengembangkan kurikulum, dan 6) pemantauan berkala dari implementasi tersebut. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan matematika, pemerintah pusat perlu: (1) mendefinisikan kembali peran guru yaitu mereka harus memfasilitasi siswa perlu belajar, (2) mendefinisikan kembali peran kepala sekolah yaitu mereka harus mendukung pengembangan profesional guru dengan memungkinkan mereka untuk hadir dan berpartisipasi dalam ilmiah, pertemuan dan pelatihan, (3) mendefinisikan kembali peran sekolah yaitu mereka harus mempromosikan manajemen berbasis sekolah, (4) mendefinisikan kembali peran pengawas. Maka melalui kurikulum baru, guru harus mampu merespon masing-masing anak sebagai kebutuhan yang diidentifikasi karena kurikuler pengalaman yang relevan dan keterampilan anak-anak sangat bervariasi dan mereka butuhkan kemudian di posisi yang lebih baik untuk memanfaatkan dukungan layanan untuk meningkatkan praktek kelas mereka; pengelolaan berbagai dukungan layanan harus tersedia untuk memaksimalkan efek mereka dalam membantu guru untuk bekerja menuju praktek yang baik dan untuk menerapkan kurikulum yang baru.

Stimulating Primary Mathematics Group-Discussion

By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Bapak Marsigit dan Shisumi Shimizu di beberapa sekolah. Proses penelitian tindakan meliputi analisis masalah dan rencana strategis, pelaksanaan rencana strategis, observasi dan evaluasi tindakan dengan metode yang tepat dan teknik, refleksi atas hasil evaluasi dan pada seluruh tindakan dan proses penelitian. Penelitian ini mencakup tindakan : (1) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis masalah yang timbul dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika,  (2) merancang strategi untuk memecahkan masalah sebagai hasil simetris komunikasi antara peneliti dan guru, (3) menerapkan dan menguji
strategi, (4) mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi, (5) mencerminkan hasil, (6) tiba pada kesimpulan dan / atau masalah baru diidentifikasi, (7) mengulangi siklus sampai mereka adalah dengan praktek ditingkatkan, dan  (8) pelaporan temuan. Dalam penelitian tindakan kelas, peneliti menemukan bahwa jika guru memiliki baik persiapan dan mengembangkan beberapa skema untuk mengajar, para siswa 'peran sebagai konstruktor dari pengetahuan mereka menjadi jelas. Namun, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa anak tidak hanya melakukan kegiatan di bawah bimbingan guru. Mereka mampu mengembangkan kegiatan mereka berdasarkan pengaruh pada arah dan fokus kegiatan sendiri. Dengan mengamati pada transisi dari satu aktivitas ke aktivitas lainnya yang perhatian peneliti menemukan bahwa untuk beberapa lembar kerja yang dikembangkan oleh guru telah mempengaruhi jalannya kegiatan dan telah dimulai dengan berbagai percakapan interaksi. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kita dapat menafsirkan peran guru melalui siswa perspektif tentang interaksi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa melalui penelitian tindakan kelas siswa tidak hanya menjadi sebagai pembelajar aktif tetapi juga sebagai konstruktor hidup pengetahuan mereka sendiri.


By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

In mathematics teaching requires patience, precision, also the skills of teachers to use methods that fit with the material at hand.Usually the teachers have to contribute a promising, but unfortunately sometimes the students are less supportive. So it actually makes math difficult, both difficult to teach students as well as difficult to digest. And there is no best way to teach mathematics. So to overcome the paradigm that seemed to have been sustained long needed revitalization of education.evitalisasi mathematics education is an effort in the direction of mathematics education which practitioners are given the opportunity to conduct self-reflection, to then be faced with a multi-entry decision stance on the basis of in-depth study of a new paradigm has to offer. Revitalization of mathematics education should depart from the self-reflection and reflection of individual educators factual conditions of practice learning.Reflection thus be useful to know the positive aspects and deficiencies / weaknesses to be used as input to determine the pace or attitude toward a new paradigm in education to then try to implement into real practice. From the research it is known that there are still many gaps, such cases are caused by many factors, among others: lack of understanding of teachers' theories of meaning and how to apply, the less support the education system, environmental conditions are not conducive learning danfasilitas incomplete. The teachers of mathematics generally mengalamikesulitan to handle differences in mathematical ability of students. To students who are good teachers tend to inhibit its activity in order to wait for students who are less intelligent, moderate to students who are less intelligent teachers try to encourage them as much as possible to catch the students who are good despite the fact that hard to do. paradigm based on the above, provide guidelines for the revitalization of mathematics education in the form of the basic assumptions and their implications for learning mathematics as follows: 1) Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships; 2) Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition danpenemuan; 3) Mathematics is an activity of problem solving, and 4) Mathematics is a tool to communicate. So that potential students can be developed optimally, then the following assumptions and implications can be used as a reference: 1) Students will learn if mendat motivation; 2) Students learn in his own way; 3) students study independently amupun group, and 4) students need contextdifferent learning.


By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

Most of teachers of mathematics still implements traditional mathematical learning, ie learning mathematics by relying on a single method expository with the cycle: explaining, giving examples, asking questions and giving the task in the classical style. With this method then the math teachers have difficulty in: 1) serve various needs / demands of the students in learning mathematics, 2) encourage underachieving students to improve academic achievement, 3) encourage students to learn actively, 4) use and develop mathematical and props 5) encourage students to learn through collaboration. every level of mathematics learning should be a vehicle for teachers to be able to realize the selection of one or more dynamic and flexible methods: (1) Method Eskposisi, (2) Method of discussion, (3) Method of Exercise and Granting Duty, (4) Method of discovery, (5) Method of Problem Solving, and (6) Usage Viewer Tool.Through the activity cycle of diagnosis, therapeutic and improvement, action research aims to develop mathematical learning method that can meet the needs / demands of a wide range of academic demands of students, enhance learning achievement, encouraging students to actively learn, develop visual aids and encourage cooperation. Development of mathematical models of learning through action research to overcome the difficulties of service of teachers toward their students have a positive impact, like-motivated teachers to meet academic tuntuan. But also can not be denied that there are barriers to its implementation dala, such as: Teachers are still having difficulty in meeting the academic demands of a wide range of students, teachers have not developed a scheme to encourage students to improve achievement of low achievers, teachers have succeeded in creating conditions that encourage students to learn actively; but still have difficulties in developing the scheme, the teacher has managed to create conditions to encourage students to learn through collaboration; but still megalami difficulties in developing the scheme, teachers have been trying to develop a method of discussion, problem solving and training and administration tasks; but still have difficulties in developing its scheme , in general, teachers have sought to develop a learning method in accordance with the purpose of action research; but teachers experiencing technical difficulties, academic and fundamental. Technical difficulties of teachers in developing teaching methods that have not tersediannya tools or learning the necessary facilities. Academic difficulties teachers in developing teaching methods are not incompatibility perceptions of teachers about the meaning of mathematical learning model pembelaaran model according to the theory referred to.


By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

According to Kant, mathematics as a science is possible if the mathematical concept of spatial and constructed based on the intuition of time. Construction of mathematical concepts based on the intuition of space and time will result in mathematics as a science that is "synthetic a priori". Kant has given the depth and accuracy of the mathematical foundation, and by because it's achievements can not be ignored. In the ontology and epistemology, after the era of Kant, mathematics has been developed with pendekatanpendekatan a bit much influenced by Kant's view. Dipahamai and mathematics should be constructed using pure intuition, that is intuition "space" and "time".Mathematical concepts and decisions that are "synthetic a priori" will cause the natural sciences had become dependent on mathematics in explaining and predicting natural phenomena.According to him, mathematics can be understood through "intuition sensing", as long as the results can be adapted to our pure intuition. The mathematics are "synthetic a priori" can be constructed through three stages of intuition is "intuition sensing", "intuition is reasonable", and "intuitive mind". Intuition sensing associated with mathematical objects that can be perceived as an element a posteriori. Intuition sense (Verstand) mensintetiskan results penginderan intuition into intuition "space" and "time". With the intuitive mind "Vernuft", the ratio we are faced with decisions of mathematical argumentation. According to Kant (Kant, I., 1781) mathematics is a reason have property of constructing concepts are synthetic a priori in concepts of space and time. In particular geometry can be objectively true when it comes to sensing objects. Geometry concepts are not only generated by pure intuition, but also related to the concept of space in which objects are represented geometry. Kant gives a solution that mathematical concepts first obtained a priori from the experience with intuitive sensing, but the concept is not obtained, but rather purely empirical. The process is thus a first step that must exist in mathematical reasoning, if not then there will be no math reasoning. The next process is a synthetic process in the sense of intuition "Verstand" which allows contructed mathematical concepts that are "synthetic" in space and time. If the concepts of geometry was to eliminate the concepts of empirical or sensing, the concept of the concept of space and time would still remain; namely that the concepts of geometry are a priori. Decision mathematics is the awareness that complex cognition that have the characteristics: a) relating to the objects of mathematics, either directly (through intuition) or indirectly (through concepts), b) include both mathematical concepts and the concepts entirely on predicate subjects, c) is a pure reasoning in accordance with pinsip-pinsip pure logic, d) involve the laws of mathematics are constructed by intuition, and e) state the truth value of a mathematical proposition.


By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

Lesson study is a cooperation scheme between the teacher (a type / piece) as an effort to improve its ability to organize learning activities in a way together to systematically examine and reflect.Lesson Study objectives are to improve service teachers to the learning needs of students. So for example if a teacher has limited knowledge or understanding of the errors of certain materials, can be reflected and be explored together. Essentially the same work done by the teacher and the teacher or teachers and lecturers to observe, assess and
reflect on learning activities. So learning becomes more focused and quality, both by students and teachers. In the lesson study there are several steps to make it happen, namely the preparation, implementation, reflection and improvement stages 1 and 2. But ultimately what lesson study in addition to learning materials that reflect teachers' perceived lack of control, that is to make innovation perbaika education through teaching and learning process. Relevant paradigms include: student centered, constructivist approach, realistic approach, and contextual teaching leraning. But the lesson study can only be done if: the teacher is open and high commitment, developed infrasistem that support, the movement of all components, obtain support from policy makers, and is the medium and long-term innovation. Also be aware also that the re-backs of lesson study is located on the plan the learning process, the learning process because the plan is: to serve the needs of students in learning, reflecting the activity of students, reflecting the variation of interaction, reflecting a variety of media, reflecting the variety of methods, described the scheme achieving competence, and describes the development of evaluation. For the achievement of lesson study, certainly can not be separated from socialization, which include: publications, stakeholder involvement, lesson study open houses, teacher meetings, school commitment, and cooperation with universities absolutly.


By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

In the development of this practice there are several key points, among them: an innovative vision and the changes reflect, in accordance with international and national criteria, in accordancewith the essence of education, in line with thesocio-Constructivists, cognitive development, andresearch-based learning. In accordance with the changing timesthat have started an international-based, then the educational experience should also follow international standards as well. So inevitably the students and teachers must use English languageas well. But as we know, that can not base the use of English in the field of education, so that through the stages of bilingualinternational standardization is expected to be achieved. The new learning approach began to be encouraged, which include:learning is the search for patterns and relationships, problem solving activity, investigation, and communication. There is alsoan alternative instrument of teaching practice, namely:Apperception, works group discussions, developing teachingmedia and aids, developing teaching methods, developinginteraction, student's presentation, developing student'sworksheet, developing lesson plans, conclusion by the students,and the scheme of competencies achievements. But the reality on the ground there is often a looming obstacle, such as:perceptions of teachers and schools, the kind of cooperation with schools, types of programs and activities of PPL, the terms andsupporting factors, the link with the lecturer and teacherprofessional development, and the position and contribution tothe national level.