Kamis, 15 September 2011


By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

Lesson study is a scheme in teamwork among teachers as effort developing their skill in held study in the class, with method cooperative discovery and to reflection systematically. There are steps in lesson study, that like preparation, implementation, reflection, and reparation. In lesson study, teachers prepare a plan to study and observe in other school, with the aim of compere one school to other school until find the problem in teaching. So that teachers can discuss about their observe, then search reflection and also reparation for that problem. Other purpose of lesson study is to find the innovation, so quality in education can developing. But that innovation just can be hold if teachers is open and have a commitment for lesson study, developed by good infrasystem, get support, other component can cooperative, and also innovation in medium and long phase.
Moreover, lesson study can support KTSP because lesson study is supported by the student, lesson study need assessment and curriculum development, lesson study futher the development tools and instructional media, and also lesson study requires the development student whorksheet. In education there is implementation plan that is like indicator of the subject matter. That implementation plan as the backbone of lesson study because it have characteristic communicationally, innovationally, autonomally in study, motivate cooperative learning, equipped with supporting documents, always revisioned, and tool of research. The realization of lesson study  is elaborated become DO and SEE. Do is implementation of the study process by teacher model and activities observation by other teachers at the school model process. See is reflection activities. In reflection activities there is introduction of leader session, opportunity teacher model for reflect activity learning, supporting factor, or excisting inhibitors, opinion or advice from the observer, and summary. Here the socialization of lesson study by publication, involvement of stake holder, open house lesson study, discussion of subject teacher, service department, and cooperative with the university.
The kind of lesson study by space range is individual, school, institution, national, and international. The example for lesson study in space international as doing by Dr. Marsigit in project IMPSTEP-JICA. That project have goal to developing the instruments and tools to study activities, developing of study method, and developing evaluation in study process. While result of that project is find the learning innovation developed in Japan. Which that use by together innovation in approach and learning median to bring good results for student. 

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