Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Kegiatan Penelitian Sebagai Usaha Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru

Kegiatan Penelitian Sebagai Usaha Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru

By: Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Hafizh Praditya Mahardika/09301241001

Research activities by conducting experiments aimed to obtain a scientific method that can serve to overcome problems or obstacles that arise, especially in learning mathematics. Such as using a qualitative approach. With this approach to learning math is essentially the observation of learning processes in mathematics learning environment, interaction with mathematics, understanding and interpretation of language in learning mathematics. Research using methods logiko kuantatif-hypothetico-verivikatif with the following steps: determination of the problem-formulation of hypotheses about aspects of teaching and learning mathematics, collection of data about praktuk studying mathematics, data analysis, hypothesis testing, conclusions, and report writing. But the thing sought is in fact not absolute truth but based on empirical and consensus relitas world of learning mathematics.
Research conducted teacher is hermenitik, ie not limited to the study of mathematics learning activities alone but more pressing on the concept and the flow of learning. Awareness hermenitik preparing teachers to use the findings to be improved when learning in the future, so that learning will be more qualified. If viewed from the research procedures performed with a variety of approaches, such as historical and descriptive research.Historical research aims to reconstruct education in the past in an area in sistematif and objectively by collecting, evaluating, and memverivikasi evidence of the facts used separately to obtain the conclusion. Historical research approach is qualitative-quantitative. Steps such as defining problems, formulating goals, merumskan hypothesis, collect data, test hypotheses, and draw conclusions. Descriptive study aims to describe the systematic learning of mathematics, namely the situation and events in practice activities. Descriptive research is factual, accurate information about the facts, and the nature of the sample-population. The steps are the formulation of objectives, hypothesis formulation, data collection, testing hypotheses, and drawing conclusions. And there are many other research approaches.
In essence, the essence of mathematics is karakteristika matematikayang various types and shapes, such as pure and applied mathematics or school, mempuyai mismatch if teachers use to interact with students. Therefore, the essence of school mathematics, hereinafter referred to mathematics. Mathematics as an activity that is tracing patterns and relationships and problem solving. Learning mathematics requires a range of skills students should possess, such as reasoning skills, algorithms, problem solving, and investigation. Meanwhile, according to Katagiri Sheigo mathematical reasoning in school involves reasoning about the attitudes, methods, and content. Here there should be interaction between teacher and pupil, thus triggering kritisisasi about the concept that felt not suitable then there is a rectification of the concept.
The model of learning that teachers do should be suitable to the conditions of students, so students also felt open in the learning process. Teachers tried about providing encouragement and initiatives that enable students to think creatively, in the mathematical learning models students use worksheets very helpful teachers and students. In the classroom teacher action research can identify the problem: clarification of issues, identification of context, explanation of facts, setting the stage, and developing steps.

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